Hiring Top Talent Simplified… with Big Savings!

Ready to Hire? Looking for a specific position?

About Staffing Handled

Staffing Handled is a company that provides a preferential service (white glove) and specialized in international companies, focused on the FinTech industry (Financial Technologies). We work with the best Colombian talent.

We specialize in searching, evaluating, recruiting, and selecting talent with different profiles, positions, and levels. Our office, located in Bogota, Colombia, allows us to access the best talent in the capital city, and main cities.

The processes we carry out have the highest standards of quality and reliability, guaranteeing our clients the best services, provided by the most competent professionals of the highest quality in the market.

All our Services

The service provided by Staffing Handled is comprehensive. It is focused on solving the client’s needs, starting with the understanding of the profile, the procurement of talent, and the provision of the service through such talent.

Staffing Handled oversees all the legal aspects such as the hiring of the service, the payment of the payroll, as well as the fiscal, tax, and administrative issues involved in the provision of the services offered to its clients.

Our differentiators

  • Colombian Company that specializes and knows the Colombian market. Extensive
    technical experience in all areas involved in providing the service.
  • Personalized service, VIP, and in accordance with the client’s needs.
  • Highly competitive prices
  • Highlevel strategic allies
  • Well known clients that certify the services

Why Staffing Handled?

We are a Colombian company started by successful U.S. Business-Owners to solve their own staffing needs. Based on their success they are now offering the same savings and benefits to other U.S. Companies.

Or email us at info@Staffinghandled.com

Simple Fee Structure

Our fees are 25% of the monthly salary with a minimum of $500 per month.

90-Day Free Staff Replacement

If the hire resigns, or does not work out because of company culture, within the first 90 days, we will replace free of charge.

Client determines Salary and Bonuses

We will suggest typical salaries to meet the Colombian levels of pay based on experience and role, but the actual salary is your decision.

Market Analysis from a Job Description

We staff a full-range of positions, from Customer Service agents to Management, all we need is a job description and we will provide a full-market analysis.

Why Staffing Handled?

We are a Colombian company started by successful U.S. Business-Owners to solve their own staffing needs. Based on their success they are now offering the same savings and benefits to other U.S. Companies.

or email us at info@staffinghandled.com

Simple Fee Structure

Our fees are 25% of the monthly salary with a minimum of $500 per month.

90-Day Free Staff Replacement

If the hire resigns, or does not work out because of company culture, within the first 90 days, we will replace free of charge.

Client determines Salary and Bonuses

We will suggest typical salaries to meet the Colombian levels of pay based on experience and role, but the actual salary is your decision.

Market Analysis from a Job Description

We staff a full-range of positions, from Customer Service agents to Management, all we need is a job description and we will provide a full-market analysis.


Activities within the stage Description
Client Analysis Understand the customer’s needs and requirements with respect to the requested service.
Profile Construction Consolidate the profile of the ideal candidate based on the client’s request.
Definition of features Establish with the client variables such as: salary, schedule, years of experience, technical requirements, etc.
Activities within the stage Description
Market Survey Review of possible sources, platforms, tools or profiles related to the vacancy.
Recruitment Start of publication, dissemination in social media and job platforms and outreach to candidates according with the Job Description shared by the Client.
Activities within the stage Description
Call Approach Call the candidate and provide detailed information about the vacancy for which he/she has applied.
First Interview Questions focused on personal life review-, short-, medium- and long-term expectations, academic and/or work experience, competency-based questions, first assessment of English level (oral).
Tests and Background Review Speedtest (Speed internet), English Test according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), Psychological Tests and Assessment Center (Optional), A background check is performed to verify all our new hires legal situation.
CV’s Review by the Client Share selected resumes of the candidates to the client for review and feedback
Second Interview (Client) First meeting with the client. The selected candidate is evaluated to verify that he/she fits the need for the service.
Final Decisition All information is gathered during the selection process and a final decision is reached with client feedback.
Final Meeting with HR & Extension of the offer The HR area interviews the candidate in detail, focusing questions on the expectations of the position, to validate that all information has been clear, explaining contractual questions
Activities within the stage Description
Final Documentation Request and medical examinations The candidate is requested to provide the necessary documents for the hiring process. The person is scheduled for medical examinations to validate that he/she is physically fit to work
Contract Signature The contract is sent to the candidate according to Colombia legislation and StaffingAbroad as their employer.
Affiliation Employee’s affiliation to the entire social security system and pertinent benefits.
Activities within the stage Description
Equipments Delivery The company delivers the assets to be required once the contract has been signed by the employee.
Onboarding Induction and welcome to the Employee to the Company.
Unification and Client Set Up The employee joins with the customer to initiate the provision of the service.
Activities within the stage Description
Feedback Constantly feedback request to the client in order to know the perception regarding the service in course, legal requierments, feedback from employees etc.

Profiles Recruited By Staffing Handled

Monthly Cost
On Boarding Fee
Minimun Experience Requested
Average Experience
Debt Negotiator
1 Year
2.5 Years
University Degree
Monthly Cost
On Boading Fee
Minimun Experience Requested
Average Experience
Administrative Assistant
1 Year
1.5 Year
High School Degree
Monthly Cost
On Boading Fee
Minimun Experience Requested
Average Experience
Debt Sales Consultant
1 Year
2 Years
University Degree
Monthly Cost
On Boading Fee
Minimun Experience Requested
Average Experience
Customer Service Rep
1 Year
2.5 Years
High School Degree
Monthly Cost
On Boarding Fee
Minimun Experience Requested
Average Experience
Appointment Coordinator
1 Year
1.5 Years
High School Degree
Monthly Cost
On Boading Fee
Minimun Experience Requested
Average Experience
Operations Manager
3 Years
4 Years
University Degree
Monthly Cost
On Boading Fee
Minimun Experience Requested
Average Experience
Loan Coordinator
1 Year
3 Years
University Degree
Monthly Cost
On Boading Fee
Minimun Experience Requested
Average Experience
QA Analyst
2 Years
2.5 Years
University Degree